Here are a few out of the hundred roles a teacher plays in our lives
The Guide – Guiding students all the way from Nursery, where they cry and bawl, to their college days, when they can stand up and have intellectual debates.
The Mentor – Inspire, encourage and praise. Their only target is to make their students future superheroes.
The Second Parent – A parent’s peace of mind is a teacher’s peace of mind. All those hours spent in school from scolding us to treating us with food on tough exam days. They are there for it all.
The Friend – From giving us a shoulder to cry on, reassuring us that exams are not the be-and-end all to advising us to get a haircut because it’s too out of place, they have all the solutions.
The Role Model – They may not be Batman, Captain America, Shaktiman or Kalpana Chawla but they are awesome enough sometimes to make us wonder how they do it.
The Actors with big hearts – Good teachers are great performers with big hearts. They have the answers and ideas to solve a problem in the best possible ways.